N H P - Walvis Bay, Namibia
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P.O.Box 653, Walvis Bay, Namibia
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+264 64 209959
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Company description
Namibia Health Plan (NHP) was established in 1995 to provide a world class, uniquely Namibian medical aid plan to help cover medical costs. Since then, NHP has grown rapidly to become one of the largest medical aid funds in our country.
We are also the first choice for Namibians as shown by the results of the PMR Africa surveys where NHP was presented with the Diamond Arrow award for excellence and highest rated Fund in the medical aid industry in Namibia for nine consecutive years (2010 – 2019). NHP also received the PMR Diamond Arrow Award for the institution conducting business in the most ethical way in 2017 and 2019,and also received an award for most innovative company/institution. NHP was also nominated the most efficient medical aid fund by healthcare providers in
While we are proud of these awards (which shows that we’re on the right track), ultimately NHP exists to provide you and your family with meaningful medical aid benefits that help you cover your medical costs. NHP believes that its ability to innovate is part of what sets it apart from its competitors. That is why we believe that our very reason for existence is all about you our members. We’re about you.
We are also the first choice for Namibians as shown by the results of the PMR Africa surveys where NHP was presented with the Diamond Arrow award for excellence and highest rated Fund in the medical aid industry in Namibia for nine consecutive years (2010 – 2019). NHP also received the PMR Diamond Arrow Award for the institution conducting business in the most ethical way in 2017 and 2019,and also received an award for most innovative company/institution. NHP was also nominated the most efficient medical aid fund by healthcare providers in
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2014.While we are proud of these awards (which shows that we’re on the right track), ultimately NHP exists to provide you and your family with meaningful medical aid benefits that help you cover your medical costs. NHP believes that its ability to innovate is part of what sets it apart from its competitors. That is why we believe that our very reason for existence is all about you our members. We’re about you.
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