Review for:
FP DU Toit Transport
FP DU Toit Transport
FP DU Toit TransportP.O.Box 5673+264 61 2945000
Not a good advertisment
Good Morning, on Monday, 1 February 2021, a truck belonging to your company, blatantly obstructed traffic in the very busy Western Services Road in Woodmead by stopping in the slipway to an office park and placing huge cones in the one lane to enable a smaller vehicle to load water onto your truck. The slipway is not a loading zone and when a heavy vehicle is parked in the slipway it causes an obstruction to the entrance of the Western Wood Office Park. It also causes motorists coming from the office park, who need to turn right into Western Services Road, not to see oncoming traffic as the heavy vehicle is obscuring their view. The action of your driver is not acceptable and not according to laws of the road. Should a collision happen due to the fact that motorists in the very busy Western Services Road have only one lane to travel in because your driver has taken laws into his own hands, who is going to be responsible for any damage or injuries? I trust that you will address this particular driver as he is a danger to other motorists. Thank you very much. S. Harding (011 802 4440)