Why is it so difficult to get information from the people in the office regarding banking details for offenders? The people don't know how to answer a telephone, and neither do they understand English well. You can try to explain they only "eish" and either transfer your call or put the telephone down and for 4 full days I am trying to get only that details from Whk. Is this the way forward? Do our people even look into educational backgrounds before employing members? I have no more hope for the law if this is the case. Really it would be better if the people can only identify themselves if they pick up the telephone and not only Whk Correctional Facilities. Minister you and your office should be aware of all this not educational people.
Review for:
Prisons & Correctional Services
Prisons & Correctional Services
Prisons & Correctional ServicesP.O.Box 13281+264 61 284 61 11https://www.namibiayp.com/img/na/k/_1677845999-59-prisons-correctional-services.jpg