Hakusembe River Lodge - Rundu, Namibia
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Hakusembe River Lodge
Kanzoni, Owamboland, Namibia, Zufahrt Hakusembe River Road, P.O.Box 1327, Rundu
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+264 66 257011
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Company description
Entering Hakusembe River Lodge at the end of the winding gravel track, you are greeted with a refreshing image of green lawn, large trees, a collection of thatched chalets and a strip of sparkling river. Instantaneously the fresh balm of beauty soothes your weary soul. You have reached the verdant Hakusembe River Oasis. A feeling of calm descends. And it remains present for the time of your visit.
River birds fly up between the reeds, people row their dugout canoes on the river and soft muted sounds float over the waters from the villages on the far bank. As you sit on the floating deck, legs up, book in hand absorbing the peace to the accompaniment of bird calls and the gentle splashing of water, all worldly worries float away.
Those who can muster the energy to move can cool off
River birds fly up between the reeds, people row their dugout canoes on the river and soft muted sounds float over the waters from the villages on the far bank. As you sit on the floating deck, legs up, book in hand absorbing the peace to the accompaniment of bird calls and the gentle splashing of water, all worldly worries float away.
Those who can muster the energy to move can cool off
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at the pool in the luxuriant garden, try their luck at catching the elusive tiger fish, take a stroll to the Mbunza cultural village and hop aboard the Hakusembe River Queen. Situated 16km from Rundu in the Kavango region, this gem of a lodge (with campsite) provides that necessary break from the road.Location map
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